The mission

This club will focus on broad research in computer vision, deep learning, and pattern recognition, artificial intelligence, and robotics. We hope to provide the participants with the understanding of current research in these areas, as well as to promote gathering researchers and enthusiasts within UF. Scheduled presentation by participants and invited speakers are followed by question and answer period. The seminar is open to all students interested in machine learning research. Faculty and researchers interested in the machine learning are invited to attend. We will cover papers from recent and upcoming conferences related to machine learning (such as NIPS, ICML, ICLR, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, SIGGRAPH).


Time: 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm, Wednesday
Location: Room E440 CSE Bldg

Each week we will cover a recent topic in machine learning by reading and discussing one or more relevant papers. A person will lead the discussion by presenting the chosen paper(s) for the week. We encourage all attendees to read the paper(s) beforehand and to actively participate in the discussion.

Each presenter will meet with the organizers the Friday before the presentation date to discuss the upcoming presentation, show prepared slides, and resolve any questions.

Upcoming Event

Speaker: Pan He, Ph.D student - University of Florida
Title: Intro to Visual Object Tracking
Time: 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Date: July 18, 2018
Location: Room E440 CSE Bldg

Abstract: TODO

Lecture Schedule

Session Topic Slides Readings Demos
1 Sinkhorn Policy Gradient
Patrick Emami
May 9, 2018
[1 up] [Paper]
2 Im2Flow
Xiaohui Huang
May 16, 2018
[1 up] [Paper]
3 Load Balancing
Keke Zhai
May 23, 2018
[1 up] [Paper]
4 Intro to Pytorch
Caleb Bryant
May 30, 2018
[1 up] [Website] [Documentation] [Code]
5 Traffic Engineering
Mahajan, Dhruv
June 13, 2018
[1 up]
6 Adaptive Adversarial Attack
Xiaoyong Yuan
June 19, 2018
[1 up] [Paper]
7 Adaptive Traffic Signal Controllers
Rahul Sengupta
June 26, 2018
[1 up]
8 Deep Reinforcement Learning
Patrick Emami
July 11, 2018
[1 up]
9 Visual Object Tracking: An overview
Pan He
July 25, 2018
[1 up]
10 Densely Labeling with GAN
Xiaohui Huang
August 8, 2018
[1 up]
11 DensePose
Siegel,Scott N
September 11, 2018
[1 up]
12 Undersampled MRI Reconstruction
Zizhao Zhang
September 27, 2018
[1 up]



Pan He

Lead Organizer


Patrick Emami

Lead Organizer


Xiaohui Huang



Dhruv Mahajan



Keke Zhai


Ruiliang Gao


Caleb Bryant


Rahul Sengupta


Hoda Shajari


Christopher Moffitt


Xiaoyong Yuan


Ruimin Sun

If you are interested in joining us, please contact

Faculty Sponsors

Anand Rangarajan, Associate Professor - University of Florida

Anand Rangarajan received the PhD degree from the University of Southern California in 1990. He has been an associate professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science and Engineering, University of Florida since 2000. Prior to this, he was an assistant professor in the Departments of Diagnostic Radiology and Electrical Engineering, Yale University from 1995 to 2000. His research interests include machine learning, computer vision, remote sensing, medical and hyperspectral imaging, and the scientific study of consciousness.

Sanjay Ranka, Professor - University of Florida

Sanjay Ranka is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science. His current research interests are data mining, informatics and grid computing for data intensive applications in High Energy Physics, BioTerrorism and BioMedical Computing. He earned his Ph.D. (Computer Science) from the University of Minnesota in 1988 and a B. Tech. in Computer Science from IIT, Kanpur, India in 1985. He has coauthored two books: Elements of Neural Networks (MIT Press) and Hypercube Algorithms (Springer Verlag), 50+ journal articles and 80+ refereed conference articles. He serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing and was a past member of the Parallel Compiler Runtime Consortium and the Message Passing Initiative Standards Committee. He was one of the main architects of the Syracuse Fortran 90D/HPF compiler. He is a fellow of the IEEE and AAAS, advisory board member of IEEE Technical Committee on Parallel Processing and a member of IFIP Committee on System Modeling and Optimization.